Music Director: Dr. Kyle Zeuch
Assoc. Conductor/Accompanist: Victor Fields
- Ann Ariano
- Anne Marie Beshore
- Barbara Bookwalter
- Sharon Colvin
- Debbi Cowl
- Hannah Dalpiaz
- Sarah Davis
- Sophie Deaner
- Ethan Draper
- Rachel Dokholyan
- Anne Dunne-Hayes
- Dorcas Eaken
- Tina Fornstrom
- Gail Fridenvalds
- Theodore Fraleigh
- Susan Gray
- Quinn Gingrich
- Annmarie Hamlin
- Melissa Harrison
- Betsy Higby
- Lee Hoke
- LeAnne Holtorf-Adams
- David Horan
- Grace Huber
- Emily Hummel
- Sara Jackson
- Brookye Keeney
- Nicholas Keeney
- Elizabeth Koerber
- Jayne Kopko
- Michael Kuyper
- David Mallory
- Rachael Marlak
- Maddie Martin
- Harrison Monahan
- Wilson Monahan
- Sarah Morgan
- Libby Moyer
- Krystal Nolte
- Dan Ohrn
- Michael Proper
- Tracy Reinl
- Fran Ruggiero
- Paul Schubert
- Theresa Shupp
- James Smith
- Larry Smith
- David Spear
- Dominic Steiner
- Heather Teysko
- Jenni Wenhold
- Robb Whitmoyer
- Michael Zerbe
- Suzi Zimmerman
Board of the Harrisburg Choral Society
- David Horan, president
- Debbi Cowl, vice-president
- Anne Dunne-Hayes, treasurer
- Anne Marie Beshore, secretary
- Michael Proper
- Sophie Deaner
- Gail Fridenvalds
- Sara Jackson
- Krystal Nolte
- Suzi Zimmerman
* - community board member