Lenten Expectations



Sunday, February 23, 3:00PM: Camp Hill Presbyterian Church, Camp Hill, PA

101 North 23rd Street, Camp Hill, PA 17011

Click here for directions from Google Maps

Tickets: $12 general admission

with Victor Fields, piano and organ


A Gaelic Blessing John Rutter
For the Beauty of the Earth John Rutter
I Will Sing With the Spirit John Rutter
Lord In Thy Mercy Grant Us Peace (Verleih uns Frieden) Felix Mendelssohn
ed. John Rutter
Look at the World John Rutter
A Clare Benediction John Rutter
Long, Long Ago Thomas Haynes Bayly
arr. Dan Forrest
Ae Fond Kiss trad. Gaelic air
arr. Stuart Calvert
Kyrie in F, K.33 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
arr. Patrick Liebergen
O Be Joyful Donald McCullough
The King Shall Rejoice, mvt 1 G. F. Handel
ed. Andre J. Thomas


The Messiah, excerpts (parts 2 & 3) - G. F. Handel (1685-1759)

Chorus: "Behold the Lamb of God" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "And With His Stripes" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "All We Like Sheep" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Lift Up Your Heads" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Aria: "How Beautiful Are the Feet" Ellen Miscannon, soprano; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Their Sound Has Gone Out" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Hallelujah!" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Aria: "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" Marion Baker, soprano; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Since By Man Came Death" HCS; Victor Fields, organ
Chorus: "Worthy Is the Lamb/Amen" HCS; Victor Fields, organ