14th Annual Fundraiser Dinner and Silent Auction

Sunday, April 10th, 4PM-8PM • The Lodge at Liberty Forge Golf Course, Mechanicsburg

The Fundraiser Dinner is the Choral Society's main fundraiser every year. By purchasing a ticket, being a patron, or by sponsoring a table, you allow the HCS to continue performing the major works of choral literature at a high level with professional soloists and orchestra.

Our theme is a celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the founding of the Harrisburg Choral Society.  Emcee Tom Russell (WHP CBS Channel 21) will guide you through an evening of fine food and entertainment.  The evening features music by the Lebanon Valley College Chamber Choir, as well as a silent auction, where you can bid on items ranging from gift "baskets" (like a "dinner and a movie night" combo of gift certificates), to services (such as gardening help, photography, etc.), to fine items such as paintings, jewelry, and pottery.  We will also feature a video presentation on the history of the Harrisburg Choral Society and a special Sing-Along through 125 years of pop music history!