The Harrisburg Choral Society is hosting its 11th Annual Madrigal Dinner, Sunday, April 23 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Liberty Forge Ballroom, and hopes you'll be willing to be an event sponsor or patron, place an ad in the evening's program, or make a general donation of your choice. If you enjoy fine dining, we urge you to consider attending and/or sponsoring a table for 6 to 8 of your family members or friends.
The Madrigal Dinner is the Choral Society's main fundraiser every year. By purchasing a ticket, being a patron or submitting an advertisement, or by sponsoring a table, you allow the HCS to continue performing the major works of choral literature at a high level with professional soloists and orchestra.
For 2017, the Madrigal Singers present an eclectic mix of music. For the first set we explore two madrigalists, the English composer Thomas Morley, and the "infamous" forgotten Baroque composer P.D.Q. Bach (a.k.a. Peter Schickele), contrasting classic madrigal style and its humorous parody. The second set consists of a series of songs by the American composer Aaron Copland, and an anthem from John Rutter. We will close the singing with favorites from Broadway by Irving Berlin and Rodgers and Hammerstein. We also welcome our guest ensemble, The Octet from Cedar Cliff HS, under the direction of Matthew Topping, who will present a set of their own.
The evening also features a silent auction, where you can bid on items ranging from gift packages (like a "dinner and a movie night" combo of gift certificates), to services (such as gardening help, photography, etc.), to fine items such as paintings, jewelry, and pottery.
- Our Venue: The Lodge at Liberty Forge
- See the delicious menu by Altland House!
- Silent Auction
- More information about Sponsors, Patrons, and Advertising